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Pigeon nets are most commonly used for commercial purposes, such as office buildings. Pigeon nets can also be used for agricultural purposes, such as keeping birds away from crops. Pigeon nets are also sometimes used for public safety purposes, such as keeping birds away from airports. Pigeon nets can be installed in a variety of ways, depending on the purpose for which they are being used. Pigeon netting can also prevent the birds from entering chimneys and vents, which can cause fires.

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Laxmi Enterprises Safety nets provide protection against injuries caused by falling objects.

Installing pigeon nets in your home or office is an efficient way to deter birds from nesting on your property. Pigeon nets can be installed on ledges, roofs, windowsills, and other areas where birds like to perch. The nets are made of durable nylon or polyethylene material and can be easily installed by a professional.

They must be installed in a proper way for the nets to be effective. Improperly installed pigeon nets can actually do more harm than good. Installation is a relatively simple process that can be completed in a few hours. Our team has a special expertise in the installation of Pigeon safety nets. We provide the best pigeon safety netting at the most affordable price.